It is important that all mail be labelled in exactly the following way; all uppercase letters, with first and last names underlined:
Apparently, mail made out in this way will find it's way to the main post office in whatever city/country in South America. At this point, I figure I'm about far enough away from Bolivia that anything mailed relatively soon should be there waiting for me by the time I arrive in La Paz, hopefully around mid to late July. I am told it will be held for a number of months if for some reason I am tardy. I think the bigger issue, however, is getting mail all the way down here on time, so again, the sooner you send, the better.
I want to stress that I will understand if you'd rather hold on to your mail until I return to Canada in the fall. However, if for some reason it can't wait, or if you just want to have a crack at putting something in my hands from half-way across the world - not everyday you get a chance to do something like that, afterall - I'd surely appreciate it! A short note, hunk of grass, Kinder Surprise, I don't care what, really. I'd just be stoked to walk into the main post office in La Paz and find something.
I only ask that you please let me know if you're sending anything - as a comment on this post, or whatever - so that I'll be aware of what to expect when I get to La Paz, and will know if anything is missing.
I want to thank those of you who have been asking about this for your patience, and look forward to receiving whatever may come my way. Talk to you soon!
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