... I saw clearly then
that the point of no return is the starting point;
if you can go back, you have not yet begun.

Jack Haas

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mailing Address In Argentina

I am very pleased to announce that I have managed to find an address at which I will be able to receive mail in the coming months. Thanks to the lovely Carolin Schmee and her generous family, those of you who have been asking where I can be reached may now send mail to:

Mr. Joseph Frigault
c/o Familia Schmee
Juncal 2449 - 8a
1425, Capital Federal
Buenos Aires

As I am still quite a huge ways way from Argentina, it will likely be some time until I am able to pick up said mail, but this is the best I could manage! Present plans should have me there some time in the summer, I believe, (only a few months before I return to Canada) but better late than never, no? I understand, however, if some of you would rather wait until I return.

At any rate, if you do plan to use this address, kindly let me know, so that I'll have a heads-up on what to expect when I get there, and will know if something is missing etc.

Cheers from sunny Oaxaca! Miss you all!

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