"Indeed there is little in life of more value to the transformation of the self than to one day uproot your whole existence, cut away the gnarled mass that has grown in and around you, scythe the wheat that has grown from your soil, and take up the rhizome of your soul, away from its homeland, away from all it has known of sunlight and season, away from the forces which watered and fed it and pruned it along, and go to another place, find another patch of earth, and then lay down your tuber in the mud and watch it blossom and grow."
These the words of one Jack Haas, a Canadian born adventurer, mystic, and author of a great many books one of which was lent to me a short time before my travels. I've been working through it these past few days, and finding much hearty food for thought, as well as a good laugh from time to time.
So, I'm in Monterey, California for the moment, enjoying some un-expected sunshine - forecasts had this whole week slotted for rain. It's a lovely little town, if deserted, but it's not hard to imagine it swarming with tourists in peak season. So far it's been a welcome change from the bustle of San Francisco, and I've been making good use of my days by relaxing before the rocky shoreline, listening to the crash of the waves ushered in by the cool Pacific breeze.
I want to make one quick note to those concerned with giant trees, indeed the giantest. There was a time, albeit brief, when I thought that I might have to do away with plans to visit The General. I know, I know. The logistics of bus travel, and budgetary concerns had me thinking I might be better served to skip it. But I have recently been reinvigorated by some new knowledge, and so all is not lost just yet.
That is all for now friends - thinking of you all fondly!
joe-sephy. everything sounds soooo very lovely.